

Find/Search in Author is considered a view. ViewSpecs are a strong Doug Engelbart direction which I think is important to give serious attention to. So let me explain how search will work:


When in Table of Contents view (TOC), on iOS, there is a white margin in the bottom. Tap it and type. The TOC will then hide all sections (headings) which don't have the text you are typing and where the text is found, it will display it, complete with the full sentence where it appears, in the correct place. Tap on a sentence to jump to that location or tap outside to dismiss.


You can of course activate the TOC and have the text entry area highlighted with cmd-f as well, on iOS or macOS


This is what I expect it will look like on iPhone Six. Please excuse the generic looking headings, this is just a mock-up after all. Right, see the bottom bar, which is the tag bar when you are in writing mode? Tap it and...



This is what happens. Here the user has typed 'Summer' and there are two sections which feature this text and so they are the only ones shown. The sentences with the text 'Summer' are shown in full under the appropriate headings: