Liquid Dialogue | Preferences/Setup



This screen launches when the user chooses to answer questions and is available when user accessed Preferences from the Main Screen.



YouTube/Google Log In



User opens the page and logs in to YouTube (through Google log in):







To use this system to answer questions you will need to log in to your Google account to access YouTube:


Username: _____

Password: ____  •  Remember






Clicking OK tests the account and when successful goes on to the next screen, below:







The system needs permissions from the user:






Liquid | Dialogue needs your permission to create a YouTube channel for called #liquiddialogue if it does not exist already (from previous occasion). Click OK to approve or No to skip (you will be able to ask other users questions but you cannot post answers until you approve)


(No)     (OK)




At the next screen the user gets to fill in further information:





About You


User then enters name, location, year of birth and so on (all fields optional). All of this gets added to each video uploaded as tags.




About You


Please tell the system a little about yourself.


(auto-filled and locked, if we can get this from the Google log in)


First Name: ___

Middle Name: ___

Last Name: ___

Salutation: ___

Affiliation: ___


Year of Birth: [2016 /...]


Allow the use of your rough location: •






Clicking OK goes on to the next screen, below:






Basic Video Replies


Before we start we need to have a few basic videos recorded for the user's profile:







Before we begin, please record what we call a Pause Video, which is what will be shown to the user when asking you a question - it will be shown looped - and a No Reply Yet video which will be played when you have not answered the question they ask.


Record Pause Video (when chosen, user will be able to record and accept video or re-record, same as all recordings. There will be a link here to any previously recorded video for viewing or deletion and re-recording)


Record No Reply Yet Video. We request 3 recordings of this video so that they seem less robotic and a little fresher when viewed more than once.  (when chosen, user will be able to record and accept video or re-record, same as all recordings. There will be a link here to any previously recorded video for viewing or deletion and re-recording)



(Back)   (OK)
